Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a process that helps improve the visibility of your website or page when users search for a specific product, service, or information. Therefore, your pages must be on the first page in the search results.

Why Didn't SEO Tools Bring the Expected Results?

Professional SEO services consist of a set of measures aimed at getting the best result. But, unfortunately, if even one mistake is made, your page will not rise as a result of searches from the sixth page to the first. So let’s figure out your problem by sorting out the 4 most common pain points of SEO services.

I Found The Most Popular Keywords

We do not doubt that you use popular keywords, but are they suitable for promoting your business? Probably not. A common mistake is to use generic keywords that are certainly popular but don’t set you apart from others. Therefore, adding a region to the widespread phrases or making them longer is better and will also help promote your page on Google

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Have You Invited Users to Open Your Page?

You’ve heard of great click statistics of the PPC service, but it doesn’t work with your ads? Oh, we are often approached with this pain point. The first thing you should pay attention to is creativity. 70% of ads are too bland and irritate, not a desire to click. Also, you may order AdWords on a website that is not so popular

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Using Keys is Great, but What about Content?

If the SEO company where you are going to order services says that it is obligatory to put as many keywords as possible into the article, run away from it. After all, the quality of their use also plays an important role. Also, remember that your article does not have Tourette’s syndrome, where inserting different words at random will be considered normal. So write simple and interesting text for the reader

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I Can't Keep Visitors on the Site

Your business page traffic has increased, which is great, but how many orders do you have? If there are few or none, you failed to keep the visitor’s attention due to the lack of a call to action (CTA). The easiest way is to place some buttons, for example, “Buy” and “Subscribe to newsletter.” However, do not overdo it, so the page does not look like an annoying ad

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Let’s Avoid Paint Points With Us

Even an experienced SEO agency cannot always avoid absolutely all pain points. However, our team can easily cope with this as we approach the problem complexly. Our team consists exclusively of professionals who know how to make your business prosperous