SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management) is the management of your business on the Internet. In other words, your business reputation is formed using SERM. Therefore, this tool is extremely important, as it points to a level of trust in you from your customers. And potential clients can contact you because of your positive online reputation

What Is Bad for Online Reputation Management?

A positive reputation can be created for years but destroyed in a few minutes. The provision of the highest quality services will certainly have a positive effect on reputation. But let’s be frank, people do not leave positive reviews so often. But if at least something hurts them, they can configure whole letters of negativity in a fit of anger. Therefore, here are some typical mistakes you could make

You Don't Google Your Brand

Quite often, companies don’t even know their brand has been reviewed. Therefore, it is worth getting into the habit of googling the company’s name and checking what people write about it, and possibly your competitors. It will help you quickly respond and prevent reputational risks

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You Don't Post Links to Positive Reviews

You must find ways to tell potential customers about yourself through external sites. And the main mistake is to order an article that only describes your advantages. At the same time, mentioning some negative aspects will be a mistake. It is complicated, isn’t it? But to correct this situation as simply as possible with the help of links to real customer reviews who have described their experience of your collaboration

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You Leave Negative Points in Engine Systems

Black PR is not always useful, especially if your competitors ordered it. And this error is directly related to the first mentioned. After you find a negative with your brand’s name, you cannot remove it. But it is possible to block this with the help of competent business reputation management

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Be in Contact with the Clients

Companies may not ask to write customer reviews or do it too insistently. Therefore, you must have a strategy for communicating with them in order to get a positive return. Another mistake in communication with clients is their ignoring reviews. It is worth giving an answer to both positive and negative reviews on the various platforms

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Are You Looking for a Help in Digital Reputation Management?

If at least one mistake seemed familiar to you, it is worth contacting a team of professionals. We will be able to consider your strategy, point out errors, and improve or completely change it. We always choose an individual approach to the client, but at the same time, we provide comprehensive assistance to get the best result